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The Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry (OURI) is pleased to accept proposals from departments and faculty to develop or redesign courses to focus on inquiry-based experiential education. These courses will ensure “students will be introduced to the tools and technologies of their disciplines” through “enhanced discipline-based courses” (Learning By Doing: Inquiry-Based Experiential Education, p. 17).

Research and Inquiry Curriculum grant information.

Please direct any questions to the Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry ( 

At the end every URI and SURF grant, each student is required to provide information about their university-funded accomplishments. In order to close out your grant and receive your final round of funding, please answer the following questions by April 15. Note: Each student is expected to submit an individual report, but those reports may include material developed collaboratively with other team members.

Be sure to include a description of any outcomes such as conference presentations (past or future), manuscripts (in-preparation, submitted, or accepted/published), recitals, exhibitions, or any other scholarly outcome. 

Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry